Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Moutain Man Rendezvous

Labor Day weekend we went to Fort Bridger to the rendezvous. Ryan insisted that we go there and we thought it was a good idea so we went. Ryan wants to be a mountain man for Halloween and so wanted to get some leather for me to make him some pants and a vest. We shall see how that project goes. While we were ever so patiently waiting for Ryan to look at a booth, (they had money from our yard sale and Ryan was being very picky about what he spent his money on) Julia and Sawyer were watching a lady play this music thing and the lady let Julia play it. Julia thought that was very cool. And as always Sawyer was along for the ride.


Our good friends the Eatchel's hosted a messy party. It was a great last days of summer activity before they all had to go back to school. It was a lot of fun. Some of the activities were apple bobbing, eating a powdered donut off of a rope, pie throwing, body painting, and digging a worm out of pudding with no hands. Ryan was all over this activity gettng as dirty as possible. Julia had fun also, but did not like to get as dirty, and Sawyer jsut thought everyone was crazy. What fun!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Sweet Boy

I had been really tired and sick for a few days and I guess that I was very good at letting the kids know. On the tail end of my crappiness I had a really bad day and being the sweet boy that Ryan is, he noticed it right away and was the sweetest boy ever. From the moment the day started he was all over helping me. He swept the kitchen flor, picked up the entire house and was just so helpfull all day. During the middle of the day I was on the computer and he came in and said that he would take care of the kids, (like he was all grown up) and that I should just go lay down and watch some TV or something. I thought he was cute so I went into my bedroom and this is what I found waiting for me. I will tell you what, this kind act of service and affection completely wipes out any rotten thing he has ever done.

Potty training

When we went to get Ry and Lu's school clothes, Sawyer was feeling a little left out. We really do not need to buy him clothes because we have all of Ryan's hand-me-downs. I decided that we could get him some new underwear and I could tackle potty training when the kids went to school. Sawyer had a big thing for trains right now so he only wanted train underwear. We came home and he wanted to wear them right away. He stayed dry for two days when mommy was home, but he is back in diapers, because I am not ready. I know that I might miss his window of excitement, so I plan on getting that done soon.

summer's end

all good things must or at least seem to always come to an end. Now that summer is over it seems like it just started last week, but it is over. We had a lot of fun and did alot of things this summer includding finally moving into the house we had built. (photo of house coming soon.) This is a picture of my darling kids taking a break at our town splash park. We have a great time when we go here, a park and a splash park. Too fun.