What better way to celebrate Independence Day then to buy red, white and blue outfits for your kids, make them wear them and then take endless pictures of them being all patriotic? That is what every one does, RIGHT? Well that is what I do, and I love every minute of it, well not when Dennis thinks it is dumb!! After visiting with family on the 4th in Utah, we decided to come back home over the mountains in the Uintas. These are the mountains that I grew up by, and I love the how familiar they are to me. I love provo river falls, and we broke up the trip home by getting out and walking around this area.
Ryan suggested on the way out of the mountains that we should stop and buy fireworks so we could set them off when we got back to Green River, so we decided to do just that, since we were going to be going through Evanston, WY and we all know they have great fireworks. Dennis said we were only going to get a few, and after $70, I thought we got more then jsut "a few', but the seller told us that was nothing compared to what others were buying. So we brought the fireworks home and went up on the desert hills and watched the town fireworks and set our own off. Ryan, and Julia AND Dennis had a blast, but Sawyer was not a fan. For as brave as he normally is I was shocked that he wanted nothing to do with any fireworks, even the sparklers. In fact he would scream and cry if you ask him if he wanted to participate. From the picture you can tell how much fun he had, all he did all night was pull his hood over his face and ask if we could go home. Ryan was super brave and would even hold the roman candles while they were shooting out their stuff.