Julia's very best friend is Lauren Jensen. She is very sad that we moved and she will not get to see Lauren every day at school. So she begged and begged to have Lauren spend the night. I was not into this idea and thought she was a little young. I had decided a long time ago that sleepovers do not happen until you are at least eight, but since I felt bad about her having to leave her best friend, I gave in. The girls palyed for awhile and then watched a movie and then started to get ready for bed, and long story short, the sleepover ended sooner then the night!! I guess 6 is a little to young to be away from mom all night!! Julia sure is missing Lauren now that we are in TX!
Monday, August 24, 2009
First sleepover, or movie night!!!
Julia's very best friend is Lauren Jensen. She is very sad that we moved and she will not get to see Lauren every day at school. So she begged and begged to have Lauren spend the night. I was not into this idea and thought she was a little young. I had decided a long time ago that sleepovers do not happen until you are at least eight, but since I felt bad about her having to leave her best friend, I gave in. The girls palyed for awhile and then watched a movie and then started to get ready for bed, and long story short, the sleepover ended sooner then the night!! I guess 6 is a little to young to be away from mom all night!! Julia sure is missing Lauren now that we are in TX!
Afternnoon in the Mountains
In July we went to the Hogle Zoo with aunt MAndy and cousin Gabby. The kids love being with Gabby. It was hot but kids love to go to the zoo and see the animals and this was true this day. The cutest thing that happened that day was they got snowcones and they were sharing with Gabby, but Gabby only wanted Julia to share with her. Gabby would say bite and then look for Julia, if someone else tried to share with her she just kept saying bite and looking until she saw Julia and Julia shared. It was so cute. Gabby loves Julia.
End of Summer library party

The Library had a grand party this year for the end of summer reading program. There were giant bubbles, water fights, slip-n-slide, karoke, painting and even a real artist that showed them how to paint with water colors. The kids had a lot of fun. Sawyer loved the bubbles, Julia loved the water and Ryan was in heaven being among a real artist.
Sawyer turns 3
July 13th, Sawyer celebrated his third birthday. We invited our families to celebrate with us. Sawyer had a great day, he got many many gifts and was almost annoyed that I made him open them all. He just wanted to play with the one he just opened. I am such a mean mom!!! It was good to have all our families with us and we missed those that could not make it. A little about Sawyer right now: He loves his Grandpa A LOT!!! He loves to be independant, wants to do everything himself! He loves to play with cars, and make messes. He is afraid of fire and fireworks. VERY AFRAID! He like to play with Ryan and for Julia to take care of him, and if he had his way Dennis would never got to work and just stay home and play with Sawyer every day! Happy Birthday Sawyer
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