I must admit I was not that great about taking pictures this valentines. The kids made thier own valentines and had fun deciding who was going to get which one in their classes. Sawyer had a fun little party at play group. He was way into the candy, what can I say he is a candyoholic. Dennis was sure sweet for valentines, as always, but I must say that this year he was most thoughtful. Since I found out that I am type I diabetic, I have not been able to be a sugar-a-holic. (that must be where Sawywer gets it from) I crave chocolate a lot and these yummy sugar cookies from our local bakery. So for valentines Dennis got me five of those sugar cookies and six dove chocolate bars. The most thoughful part was the notes attached to each cookie. There is this great book by Gary Chapman entitled "The Five Love Languages", well it is a great book and everyone should read it.
Anyhow, he attached something to each cookie that would fullfill one of the love languages. What a sweetheart. I really am lucky to have him and my kids. I love Valentine's Day.
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