Sunday, April 11, 2010

lu's music program

The kids elementary school has the best music programs. In March it was Julia's turn. The first grader's program was entitled, "When I Grow Up" it was seriously so cute.

Julia's had a part. She was a secretary. She was to dress like a secretary. So we put her hair in a bun, put a sweater on her and attached some reading glasses to a set of beads. She did not think she looked like a secretary, but when I asked her what she thought one looked like, she said she did not even know what a secretary was, so I think she does not get an opionion on what a secretary looks like.

This program had the cutest songs ever. Julia had a lot of fun and true to her character after the program I was asked, by her, what me favorite song was, what my 2nd favorite song was ...etc... until I had named every song! Isn't she so cute!!!

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