Christmas, Christmas, Christmas; Always a fun day. WE told the kids that they could get up whenever they wanted they just had to get us up before they went in to the living room. IT was not until about 7:30 that we hear Ryan yelling from his bedroom, "mom, dad it's Christmas!" We assumed that the nightly visits to the bathroom kept him asleep until 7:30. WE went and got him, came up and woke Julia up and then met in Sawyer'r room for prayers. Sawyer would not get out of bed, we had to carry him out to the living room crying. He did stop crying when we got him out there to see his loot. Ryan got among other things a scooter, racetrack and remote helicopters. Julia got a canopy/daybed, a doll she can do hair on and a swimming doll. Sawyer recieved a handy manny tool set, a batman castle and a diego laptop. Sawyer liked to just play with one thing for a long time and then look at something else. Ryan was all over getting and opening as fast as he could. Julia was so happy about her canopy bed that everything else took second place. Dennis's folks came over for the day and we just ate and played all day.
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