Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'll I want for Easter is my two front teeth

The first day of vacation, Julia lost her right top front tooth.  It was a very dramatic event.  We were at a Jack in the box, having dinner and Dennis decided that she needed it out.  The decision was made because she would not eat her burger, since her tooth was hanging out and it was hurting her.  So Dennis took her to the car and after a lot of pulling and crying, she came it bleeding a lot, but minus a tooth.  She was very happy, a little nervous that the tooth fairy would not find her, but learned that night that the tooth fairy is very generous on vacation.  The last day of our vacation, her top left front tooth was ready to be pulled.  Julia was a lot more brave this time, and there was a lot less blood.  It was kindof neat that she lost one on the first day of vacation and one on the last day of vacation. 

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