Monday, December 7, 2009

School Halloween/Reading night

For the "Halloween" party at the school, they had a reading night. The kids could dress up as a story book character, which in reality could be anything right? It was a really fun night. We started with dinner from chik-fil-a, played a book/cake walk, made bookmarks, and saw the class themed pumpkins that they had a drawing for.

Sawyer loves to see dressed up characters.  He really is my only child that has.  Everytime we see one he wants his picture with them.

Each class choose a story and decorated their pumpkin as one of the characters.  Also each child in the class wrote a story about the character.  Here is Ryan and the frankenstien.

During reading night you collected tickets from each activity that you participated in and then you could put in for a drawing for your favorite pumpkin.  If your name was choosen you were able to take the pumpkin and the stories home.  Of course the moms wanted the kids to pick their own class pumpkin, to get the stories, but the kids wanted the pumpkin they thought was the coolest.  Here is Julia with her mouse character pumpkin.

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