Christmas, as always, was a lot of fun. Sawyer woke up at about 4am and tried to go back to sleep. After awhile we hear him crying and go up to his room. He was crying because he could not go back to sleep and was afraid that Santa would not come if he did not go to sleep. He was so sad that we went ahead and told him that Santa had already came and let them get up. All the way down the stairs Sawyer was so happy because he saw gator golf. He had originally asked Santa for a stage, and later he changed his mind to gator golf, but we never actually saw Santa again for him to ask, so he was really worried that Santa would not know. So he was super excited that Santa knew to bring him gator golf. I must say that Santa was super thrilled to be bringing him gator golf instead of a stage! 
Here is Sawyer with all his loot! He was really tired and did not want to pose for a picture, to busy playing with all his new stuff?
Julia with all her loot. She asked Santa for a bird in a cage, a beach in her backyard and something that will keep boys out of her room. Even though she lacked the above mentioned items on Christmas morning she was really happy. She was suprised that Santa knew what she wanted, even though she did not tell him the stuff she got. Santa is so smart.
It sure looks like Santa loves Ryan alot!! He got some fun big toys this year. He is growing up tooo fast.
His lack of belief in the big red guy has not made it as fun. But he is cute trying to let us know is beliefs without letting Julia in on it. He does not do a very good job, though.
Everyone enjoying their gifts.
Dennis got each of the kids nerf guns for Christmas. I am not sure who enjoys them more. What do you think?
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