Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy #7 Julia

Here is my beautiful 7 year old.  She wanted a cookie cake for her birthday, Julia does not like cake.  In fact she really does not like sweets that often and will choose a healthy snack.  Not something she learned form me.  She is in first grade, and is a super good reader.  She likes being social and loves PE at school.  She is a great helper at home and is a usually very nice to her brothers.  We sure love her!!!
Julia was lucky to open her present from Dennis early.  Dennis's grandpa passed away and so was going to be out of town for her birthday so, so she got to open a present early.
Dennis has created this very annoying tradition to open presents in the morning, usually before he goes to work, it is always way earlier then I want to be out of bed.  The boys like this tradiaiton, but us girls, well not so much.  I was really excited that he was not going to be here this year, so we could sleep in.(no school either)  To my surprise, Julia wanted me to wake her up early to open presents.  I guess tradition is better then sleep!!!  For her birthday she got a desk, decorations for her room and a bed for her doll!

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