Sunday, June 20, 2010

Talent show

For the talent in our ward Ryan and Julia both decided to show off a talent.  Ryan played the piano.  The piano was turned around and you could not see him, therefore no picture of him.  He did a great job though!!
Julia's talent she chose was jump roping, she would only participate though if a friend joined her.  So her friend Maddie jump roped with her.  Sawyer was so bummed out that he was not doing anything that we decided that he could dance in the back corner while Julia jump roped.  Have you ever seen Sawyer dance?  He is quite the little dancer.  Anyhow he stole the show.  He has such good rythm and I have no idea where he gets his moves, but the little guy can dance.  While Julia was jump roping, which she did an excellent job at, the crowd started to chat Sawyer's name.  I was a little worried that Julia would be upset, but she was fine.  Afterwards everyone was commenting on Sawyer's dancing, even one guy who did a Vanilla Ice reinactment, was wondering where Sawyer got his moves.  It was tooooo funny.  I have a vidoe of it, if I ever can learn how to put it on here, I will!!  (Sorry the picture is sooo bad!!!)

1 comment:

Lacy said...